Family 2014

Family 2014

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another day in Nanchang

Today was again a different day with our Renee. She is so smart! She said her first English word, "more!" She then signed it as well. So today I started using the sign for potty. She hasn't used it yet, but when I do it, she goes to the potty on her own. She is doing very well and only have had two diapers to change. She finally found her legs and started to walk around the room. (she has been carried all the time and when we put her down she has what we call rubber legs) We went sight seeing and she even walk around holding our hand. It really was a good morning, but sight seeing is coming at bad times of the day and again we ate lunch too close to her nap time. She started to melt down so we just let our guide hold her. She is a very good guide and is good at telling her in her language that we are her mama and dada and that she is Renee's auntie. Was encouraged by a fellow adoptive parent to not take these two weeks very seriously. I knew we just had to get through lunch and that being so tired she is more comfortable with a Chinese woman. When she put us in a taxi to get back to our hotel, she started crying and finally fell asleep before the cab got to our hotel. Of course she woke up. She wasn't crying at first, but after a little bit she started crying and wouldn't let anyone hold her. So I sat on the floor while she lay there crying. She finally slowed her crying down and found something to play with and then she was back interacting with us. Later she was back giggling and playing and talking to us in Chinese. It is quite funny to watch as she is so serious. She starts to have mean moments, but when we say no (boo is no in Chinese) Forget playing peek-a-boo with this girl.:)), she listened! She fought sleep til 7:00 and finally climbed up in bed with Nathan and pulled the cover up and fell asleep. So that is today! What will she be like tomorrow? We will find out. Enjoy the pictures! We went to a pagoda.

For those of my friends that know the butterfly story look what I found today in the picture above. Yesterday was hard. I was discouraged. We weren't suppose to go to the pagoda until tomorrow. This gave me hope. Thanks God!


  1. Great advice not to take these couple weeks too seriously. I know it's easier said than done to not take things personally though (; It all brings back sooo many memories lol We had no clue what we were doing, just trying to make it through each day and figure things out as we went. Wouldn't trade those memories in for the world. I can look back and laugh now. Love the last pic of you guys!! Your expression and Renee's body language-It speaks volumes and us adoptive parents can certainly relate (= Adoption PROCESS is ending but the JOURNEY has just begun! And you know what they say-It's not the destination, it's the journey. HUGS!!!

  2. This brings back memories! It's like we were just there! We saw that same building - not too many sites in Nanchang. :) Are you guys going to the zoo there?

  3. Congratulations on your adoption!!! We played "I see you" instead of peek a boo. Also, "Go Pee" in Mandarin translates to dog fart and is a mean phrase. It took us a while to figure that out-- our daughter would cry when we put her on the potty and told her to "go pee."

    Have a wonderful trip!

  4. I'm enjoying your blog. We all loved Nanchang, and the pics make me long for another visit. Thanks for sharing.
