Family 2014

Family 2014

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I read a very disturbing article. Why is this happening? It makes me sick, angry and overwhelmed. You see blogs that advocate for the children in China that are aging out of the system or have special needs. I want to advocate for the children that are sitting in orphanages who either are having to wait years to be adopted or will never have a chance to be adopted because of the continued trend of closing countries or slowing things down so that "corruption" can be investigated. Who is to blame? That is a very complicated question. There are people that feel that this trend is a good thing. I posted on this several days ago. So those of you that want to try and educate me on the damage that international adoption is to these children, please don't waste your time. I understand your concerns and I want to see the children protected. I think you will agree with this statement. International adoption system as it is functioning right now is broken. There is an organization that is working to change the laws of international adoption. Please check them out. I plan on devoting another blog post with some research information.
I will leave you with these questions. Why is it that a child in Guatemala has waited 3 years to be united with his forever family and there is no end in sight? Why is it that families involved in the Philippians have to wait over 2 years for a referral? Why do families have to spend thousands of dollars on lawyer fees to try and prove that a child is a "legal" orphan? Why is it that a family just went through a failed adoption with Nepal and now is faced with the problems of Ethiopia that will slow it down or close adoptions from this country? This family is a part of the Ethiopia program and they need your help.
Most of the blogs I follow either have faced failed adoption or extreme waiting for their child to be referred to them or both. It breaks my heart. People who support what is happening in the adoption world think that it is a good thing for the children. How could spending the first 14 years of your life in an institution and then being kicked out on your own to face the world alone be a good thing for them? I want to make a difference in the life of one child, but I also want to raise awareness for the children left behind in this crisis.

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