Family 2014

Family 2014

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

20 years!!

Today I celebrate being married to this wonderful man. We look so young! Where has the time gone? Can it really be 20 years? He has seen the best of me and he has seen the very worst of me and he has stayed by my side! I am so very blessed to be married to him. We are planning to get away this weekend to a bed and breakfast in Michigan. A big trip will have to wait. Maybe for our 25th! Maybe it will be even later than that. Doesn't matter. Just looking forward to getting away just the two of us before it becomes the 7 of us!
I love you, Honey!!! You are the best!!


  1. Congrats on 20 years! Have a nice celebration!
    (You know we got married in '91 also. Again weird.)

  2. Congrats! Although it's admittedly hard to tear my eyes away from those sleeves and back to your happy smiles... wow!
