Family 2014

Family 2014

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Adoption World

Ever wonder why there isn't a wii game called Adoption World? No one would buy it! Oh wait, I guess all of us on an adoption journey did. The makers would have had so much fun making it. I can see them all sitting around laughing as they created the game, saying, "Oh wait, here is a good one...Ha ha, sorry they missed placed your paper work, go back to the waiting room." Then someone else would say, "No wait, here's a better one...Your notary screwed up your paper work. You lose all you saved in this level. Go back to level 4 and get paper worked fixed." Another (very sick person) would say, "I've got it! You're going to love this one. Sorry the government closed your country. You lose all the levels you saved. Go back to the beginning of the game."(This really isn't funny, but that is the sick game I feel like I have been in) The second guys comment messed up my world today! Yes, two different notaries that signed my paper work screwed up! I drove 3 hours to Indy and three hours home. Tomorrow, I have to go back to two places and have them redo the paperwork! Then go back to Indy to try again! Isn't that special?! One completely forgot to sign the document! Why I didn't see it, I don't know. There was a signiture, but that was the person who prepared the document. I thought the person who filled out the form also did their own notary and didn't check to see if the names matched. I know all of you who are in process are going to check your paper work now. The other one, her stamp used only her first and last name. She sign her first and last name, but when the secretary of State office looked her up on the computer she had her middle name on the form. Therefore her signature was not valid becasue she didn't sign her middle name. The stamp didn't have her middle name. Seriously! When I looked at the paper work more closely I realized that she also had whited something out! You can't do that on adoption paper work, so it would not have worked anyway, so in a way I was spared future damage.
Breathe!!!!! (That is what my blog friend just told me to do. Thanks!)
So why don't I just use a courier to do the work for me? I guess I just don't want to have to wait on anyone anymore. If I had mailed these documents I would have waited a couple of weeks to get them back and then I would have had to corrected them and mailed them again, waited 2 more weeks. I just can't do it. I am close enough to each city, I will just do it myself. I am very stuborn. I was still going to try to make everything work so I could be DTC on April 29. I so had things planned out, but it is not to be. I will go to Chicago on Monday and then the following week go back and pick it up and hopefully be DTC by May 6th. That is only a week later. I have just had in my head that I would get everything done by the end of April. It's ok. It will be better weather in Chicago on Monday, right? Right!! :) I will enjoy this journey! I refuse to let it get the best of me. It is not just a game with random events happening. The things I have learned and the people I have met along the way I wouldn't trade for anything.


  1. I am so glad I found your blog! I can totally relate to the game scenario and I immediately thought of other things I could add to the game. I don't think that anyone who is not going through an adoption can really appreciate how utterly frustrating it is. Just know that you are not alone in this crazy game.


  2. LOVE the game analogy!! Sad but true. That totally stinks about the paperwork. You are absolutely right about just doing it all yourself instead of mailing it. Frustrating, but love your positive outlook. If I have said it once I've said it a thousand times- WHY DOES ADOPTION HAVE TO BE SO DANG DIFFICULT!! And what is DTC? HUGS!!

  3. Oh, my word. How awful and frustrating. I am so sorry. Here's our piece to the game: Pick a Hague country. Wait 25 months for a referral. Keep waiting. Get notice from agency that your I-800 is about to expire and you still don't have a referral. Add insult to injury - go back to Philadelphia to get fingerprinted for a third time and have a second homestudy update. Pay for all of it. Yeah, it kind of makes you want to beat the game maker with the board at times, but when you get to the end, the result will be very, very sweet.

  4. Thanks for your comments. It does help so much to know I am not alone. That is why I started this blog and to help others to not feel alone. I love it that I now have a friend in Canada! Complete strangers yet there is a bond between us because we have shared this same heartache!
    Jen, DTC is apart of what I call the letter game! I think it is funny, so when I use the letters I am rolling my eyes as well. China has been functioning in a very predictable pattern for a long time now. So people in the program started to just use acronyms(not sure is spellng is right) for every step. I have a blog post about this letter game. DTC is Dossier to China. Next is LID which is Log in Date (China has received it and put it in its system)I shouldn't roll my eyes it is wonderful(just didn't happen with Nepal)to know what the next step is and around when it will happen. I just think if a person has only adopted from China special needs program, they have no idea how hard it has been for people in other programs. I think(me included) that it is easy to get caught up in the adoption program you are in and not see what is happening in other programs around the world. Just my two cents. Not judging, just making an observation. Before Nepal closed, I would have been guilty of being in my own little world(adoption world!:)! )

  5. ok got ya! I do remember that post about letter game but i still had no idea what they all meant lol Now I am even more excited for you now that I know whats going on lol
