Family 2014

Family 2014

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Several blog post ago I shared some art work of my oldest son. So now it is time to share some art work from my second oldest.
My two oldest sons couldn't be more opposite, yet they share some artistic talent. My oldest struggles with detail, yet when it comes to being able to be creative he is very detailed. Having an outlet for his creativity has helped him handle the more detailed classes. My second oldest is very detailed yet can struggle with being creative and the art class he was involved in last year really helped him to branch out. My two oldest, it seemed for the longest time hated each other. We had the 1st and 3rd room together and the 2nd and 4th share a room. A few years ago my husband felt it was time for the two oldest to share a room together and start having some indepence from the younger two. I wasn't too sure how that would go. I thought they might kill each other, but it has been the best thing. They actually like each other now.
I homeschool all my boys, but I am so thankful that I live in a school system that allows them to take a few classes. It is not so much that I want to shield my boys from public school. I have nothing against the public schools. My boys learn differently. They would have been so discouraged in the public school. We have been able to teach the way that makes sense to them. My oldest will be involved in a college career center at the high school next year and my second child is taking a drawing and spanish I class. It will mean driving time for me unless we decide to buy a car for the oldest, but we can't even consider that yet until the adoption happens.
This week has been very hard emotionally. There is so much bad news in the adoption world. It is just so overwhelming. Ukraine government is shutting the adoptions down starting July 11th. Ethoipia is going at a snails pace and families are waiting so long for referrals and such a long time for court dates. Families in Vietnam received referrals in 2008 and since the country closed down they have yet to bring home their children. 65 families have been waiting since 2009 to bring their children home from Kyrgyzstan. Philippines have had over 2 years wait for referrals. Rwanda is trying to meet the Hague standards, but in the process the families that are ready for a referrals are possiblely going to suffer. They have six months to receive a referral or their file will be closed. Seriously?! It is more than I want to even know. And yes, we still wait for a referral. Sometimes I just want to go and hide my head in the sand. Maybe I can pretend I don't know all this, but there is no way I can do that. I want to give up at times. I feel like there is no one to turn to. Our government is clearly looking the other way. Why must the innocent children suffer? I can't give up. I don't know how I can help, but I will not forget what is going on around the country. There are so many times in history that the unthinkable is happening and after years of struggle freedom is found. I can not give up the fight for the orphans and especially for my daughter. Please know that everyone of you that I have touched on in my references to struggles in the adoption world are in my prayers. You are not forgotten. We will keep moving forward. We have to. Our children our depending on us.


  1. Your boys are so very talented! Things are getting better with the Philippines. Referrals are finally starting to shake loose. Some of us (wink, wink) are hoping to get our good news this summer :) One thing I do know, though, and it can be hard to deal with, is that so many adoption laws are set by the sending countries themselves. The more the US muscles in on trying to "fix" the problem, we will actually end up 10 steps behind. Most countries feel they are doing what's best for their children and don't want to be interfered with at all - woe to the one who does. The best one to leave it up to, I've found, is God.
    I'll keep praying for you and your little lady - she's on her way to you!

  2. beautiful artwork! I hope you meet your little one soon. As for us we are moving on to plan C. I had a couple of days where I decided to just give up and walk away from the idea of adopting another child but it seems I can't do that. Thinking of you and everyone one else waiting for their children.

  3. Straus, I can't post on your blog. I haven't been able to for awhile and it is driving me crazy. I hope you see this. Wish I could talk with you.
