Family 2014

Family 2014

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Today our whole family ran in the Sunburst in South Bend, IN. The finsh line is inside the football stadium! Obviously Norte Dame football is big around here and it is a very cool thing to do this. It is the first time I have been in the stadium. My husband ran the 10K. My 4 boys and I ran in the 5K. It was my youngest son's first time to attempt a 5K. I ran with him the whole way and he did awesome! I am so proud of him. He didn't stop once!
I have not been a runner for very long. I started it around the same time that we started our adoption journey. Let me tell you I do not like to get on the treadmill. I had a friend who accidently called it the dreadmill, slip of the tongue? :) Most of the time my body is telling me to stop and not go on. When you run, you sometimes want to give up. Just like there are many times on this adoption journey I have wanted to give up. There is something about running that helps me put things in my life into prospective. When I am very discouraged I jump on my treadmill and problems don't seem as big when I get done. Running is such a mind game. When I win the mind game in running, I also have the added benifit of winning the battle emotionally and spiritually as well.
It was such a rush to do this with my family. I know it doesn't seem like a fun thing to do, but I have not felt such joy and contentment as I do right now in a very long time. Life is good! I have so much to be thankful for. Hmmm! When is the next race in our area?!:)


  1. Awesome job guys!! I seriously considered doing the Sunburst but chickened out lol

  2. Lisa, I'm finally catching up on your blog. Much of it, we've already talked about, but I enjoyed reading it again. Just think of the stories you'll have on the other side of the mountain. The several times I climbed (or tried to climb) Colorado 14'ers, I laughed, cried, and always had to ask for help to reach the top and to return to the "normal" life below. But, I never returned the same person. I still vividly remember some of the turns and boulders I had to traverse. I remember thinking I could see the summit, only to take a few more steps and realize it was a false summit and I still had a long way to go. Sometimes, a sudden storm forced me to turn around. But, (and only because God provided the right weather, working body parts, and a friend) I eventually summited my first 14'er. It was worth it. Lisa, you and your family are so close to reaching your 14'er. I know you're not giving up, but I know you're tired. I hope my little (true) story is a push from behind to take the next step up. Love you!

  3. Oh brother . . . I forgot what I was going to write after I read this post. Good grief! Anyway, I'm not at all surprised that you finished the 5K. I think you've been a long-time runner! I love that your whole family did it together! Congratulations!!!!!

  4. It was a goal we set as a family at the beginning of the year. Fun to accomplish this. Very good analogy about you climbing mountains. I have seen too many false summits. It is so discouraging. I truly hope that I am seeing the real summit this time. The bad thing about summits is that they appear close at times yet they are still so far away. That's how I feel right now. It seems so close (we could get a call any day now), yet it still could be weeks (I pray not months) away. So glad I have friends that support us.
