Family 2014

Family 2014

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Where do I even begin?

Sorry it has taken me so long to post anything. We have been kept very busy and then when I have had time I felt like I couldn't put my thoughts together.
Many of you probably heard about the plane crash in Nepal. The crash happened the same day we flew into Nepal, so I had a few friends that were concerned. We actually had same mountain plane ride scheduled by the family we are staying with, but this is the 3rd plane to have an accident and they cancelled the trip because they were concerned for us.
We arrived in Nepal on Sunday and besides having to run through London Heathow airport, because the plane was late and we had one hour to get from one terminal to another, things went very smoothly. Soney's brother and husband to be picked us up at the airport. Before we even left the airport we could tell that this was going to be an interesting ride, but I had no idea what we were in for. They drive on the left side of the road like England does, but that is only if it suits them. There are no lines on the road except for one or two main roads that we saw later and even then no one obeyed them. Only on the roads with lines did we see any stop lights. There are no stop signs. Basically there are no rules for driving in Nepal. People, bikes, motor bikes, buses and cars all use road and nobody seems to care where they travel. For a little while there may be 3 lanes of traffic then someone makes another lane because nothing is coming from the other direction. Bikes are traveling right between the cars. People just walking across the road how ever they want There are no crosswalks. To keep cars on their side of the road they have placed in some places cement blocks down the center of road. Then you get to a road that looks more like an ally that we would only let cars go one direction and it is a two way road. When you come to another car, they have to inch their way past each other with inches on the one side of hitting the wall and inches on the other side of hitting the side mirrors. We laughed the whole way to Soney's house. We were not afraid, just shocked.
Soney's house has five levels. Each level has two rooms and a landing area in the middle. The 4th level has a balcony and then you go up a ladder to the 5th level where their water tank is and the hot water heater is that is powered by solar panels. No sun, no hot water! It was sunny when we arrived and I had a nice shower, but it rain later in the day and the whole next day. So no hot water today. :) Here is a view from her balcony.

The next day we went to Shankar's parent's house (who will be Soney's husband) Again it was an interesting car ride. Even if a place is only a few miles away, the traffic is so bad it takes much longer. When we arrive back at Soney's house we have to quickly get ready for her bride party. Her mother has had a sari designed for me. First I have to go downstairs to a beauty salon and have my hair put up along with Soney and her mother. Then they leave me to finish getting ready while my hair is done. Since Soney is gone I have no way to communicate. After I am done I go back looking for Soney and they find someone to help me get into my sari. Again I have no way to communicate and it was very funny them trying to tell me what to do. Then we are taken to the Raddison hotel where the party is to be. There are chairs on the stage and Soney sits in the middle one and close girl relatives sit on stage with her. So I sit next to her and get pulled into many pictures. Friends and family memebers of the bride come up to give her gifts. Most people bring money in a envelope. She has a tray in front of her that she places the gift on after she accepts. It was a very modern setting and a saw a ride variety of how people dress. Most in a sari, but there were girls that dressed very western as well. There was dancing at the end and the music was not Nepali, but many were popular Americans songs. Some from the past, but there was one that I know is popular now in America. Not Nepali dancing either. I am seeing that like most big cities true Nepali traditions are being replaced by modern ones.
Today was when my jet lag kicked in alittle. We didn't do much except hang out with Soney and her family and that was really nice. We needed a down day. Tomorrow we are going to go an hour and a half out of city to hope to see Mt. Everest. That is if the weather will be sunny. There is no point going if it is cloudy. Then we will come back and have lunch and go downtown where temples are at and shopping. The family has been wonderful about feeding us. They do not want us to eat at resturants and get sick.
That's all for now. I need to go to sleep. Enjoy the pictures.


  1. YOU MADE IT!!! You look stunning in the sari!!!! Soak it all in! So so excited for you!

  2. Glad you're having a good time! You and Soney both look lovely. Glad to hear that you were not involved with the plane crash and are safe!
