Family 2014

Family 2014

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thanks Friend!!

I just pulled out a very special box tonight! Over a year ago, maybe even longer, I was helping a friend who was having a garage sale to raise money for her adoption. We knew at that time we were hoping to get matched with a 2-3 year old girl from Nepal. So she gave me a box of 2T clothes! I really thought that the clothes she was giving me were too small. But she was sure that was the size we needed. When we switched to China I really thought we would adopt a 4 year old. I knew we would never use those clothes. Now here we are matched with an 18 month old! Thanks, Jen!!! They are just what we need!! There is an adorable white dress and pink spring coat with matching hat that I see on a beautiful China girl come next spring!
I also had another box of clothes and blanket that I had collected during the wait. It wasn't very big, but I remember a day that I was at a garage sale and I just had to buy a few things. It is my "I'm believing God box!" It really is very small. I don't think that I thought I would collect very many things. See I thought we would have her home long ago. It was so fun to take those little girl clothes out and remember when I felt funny looking in the girl section of the garage sale. I didn't feel like I belonged there. I just had to do something to make it seem real that we were really going to adopt. I thought we had waited so long already. Little did I know just how long we would wait. This box was buried in the bottom of my closet, push back so I couldn't see it. What fun to find it when I was looking for my shoes!! I have had people ask me if I had pulled it out yet. Yes, I have! So happy to have these special clothes.
It is going to be so much longer than I want it to be, but I am coming for you my sweet Renee!!!


  1. I was thinking about those clothes after your big announcement and how you were sure you wouldn't need such a small size (; I can't wait to see Renee in them!!

  2. Oh what a little treasure to find this box. What a celebration and testament it will be to put these treasures on Renee!
    Passing the days with you,

  3. Hi, I found your blog from "Are We There Yet, Len?" I was surprised to find a common feeling with you when I read this post. We adopted a beautiful 20 month old girl from China about 18 months ago. When I started buying a few things for her, before we traveled, I felt like people might be staring at me when I was in the baby section in Wal-Mart because I "had" no children. It took actually having her in my arms before I really felt like I belonged in the mommy world. Congratulations on your PA!!!

  4. Thanks for reading Heather! It is nice to know I am not alone in my feelings.
