Family 2014

Family 2014

Monday, June 4, 2012

Proud to be an American

In her first memorial day parade. "Proud to be an American" song was playing as she raised her flag high. Two months ago she was still a Chinese citizen. It was one of those moments that you just have to step back and soak it all in. Renee is my daughter, but one thing about adoption is it is a process. Not just for the child, but for the parent too. There is still so much I am processing. There are days that I look at her in her high chair and jokingly say, "How did you get there?" For those of you that have waited years and years to bring your child home, I know you understand. You would think after waiting so long that it wouldn't surprise you so much that your child is finally in your arms. Sometimes I can't believe it has only been 2 months that she has been home. Then I read blogs of those who are in China right now and it seems like so long ago that we were there in China. For those of you who have adopted. How long does it take until you really feel settled? Renee is amazing and has fit into our family so well. I think I am the one who is struggling. This is hard to admit when she is doing so well. I am not dealing with the special needs that others are. I love her so very much, yet at times she can feel like a stranger to me. Then I have to remember that I have only know her for 2 1/2 months.


  1. You are doing such a great job, Lisa, and what a blessing you are to each other! Love you, girl, hugs all around...

  2. Glad to hear Renee is doing well. I still find it strange sometimes that we have another child in the house but yet I can hardly remember her not being here too. :) I am sure you probably know this, but they teach the children in China to call dogs "gogo" so I am guessing that's why she calls Roco, Goco! Cute!! It's her English/Chinese mix. She is adorable and your family looks so happy in all of the pictures!

  3. BTW- this is sweetgirls from RQ. :)
