Family 2014

Family 2014

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fingerprinting again

You know if it was the fun toddler kind of fingerpainting, I wouldn't mind doing it again. Just got an e-mail that our homestudy will expire in September and it is time to begin the work of renewing it again. Didn't I just do this? Back to Bashor Home we go again to be fingerprinted for the state of Indiana. Seriously can't they communicate with the federal goverment? I am good with them until sometime in the summer of 2012. Let the paperwork begin again!

Tomorrow my 3 teenage boys leave for a week long conference near Pittsburg, PA. I will only have my youngest son with me. It will be fun to give him much more of my attention than I usually do. But I am really going to miss my boys. So many emotions going on right now. The whole day was spent getting them packed ready to leave. (Oh, did I say I'm going to miss them) Yet the back of my mind I want to hear the phone ring. Yet I also want to be present and enjoy every moment with my youngest. It should be an interesting week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the joys of refingerprinting. We're waiting on a letter giving us an appointment date for our third set. (Already had the third homestudy done.) Oh, the emotions. I hear you loud and clear. So frustrating.

    Your boys will still be a few hours away when they're at their conference, but tell them to wave when they're in the 'Burgh. ;) Enjoy your quality time with your youngest son!
